Welcome to this blog. I've created as a place to collect poems and stories that I like. Feel free to browse around to see what there is. Come back again as I am continually adding more!

Oh, and I've tried to give credit to authors where I've been able to find them but if you find something here with an author unknown and can verify the author for me, please let me know!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

101 Fun Date Ideas

1. Go for a walk
2. Have a picnic
3. Go camping
4. Build a puzzle
5. Play soccer
6. Fly kites
7. Visit the zoo
8. Go swimming
9. Climb Trees
10. Make cars out of boxes and have a drive-in movie at home
11. Go for a bike ride
12. Plant a garden
13. Go to the skate park
14. Roller skating
15. Have relay races
16. Go to the library
17. Watch home movies
18. Build a tree house
19. Have a snowball fight
20. Play kickball
21. Go bowling
22. Have a garage sale
23. Visit historical sites
24. Go for a hike in the mountains
25. Have a car wash
26. Act out your favorite movie
27. Horseback riding
28. Go fishing
29. Play croquet
30. Make treats for a neighbor
31. Cut pictures from magazines and make a collage
32. Visit temple square
33. Plant a flower garden
34. Go to the beach
35. Play frisbee
36. Go ice skating
37. Have a bicycle rodeo
38. Play volleyball
39. Make a miniature gold course
40. Go for ice cream
41. Make ice cream
42. Have a scavenger hunt
43. Visit a museum
44. Play softball
45. Make instruments and have a band
46. Have a fashion show
47. Play board games
48. Make and pull homemade taffy
49. Have a water fight
50. Go to the rodeo
51. Make home videos
52. Plan a party
53. Go river tubing
54. Have a road rally
55. Hold a story hour
56. Go sledding
57. Play football
58. Make boats out of things around the house then try them out
59. Put on a puppet show
60. Go to the fair
61. Go miniature golfing
62. Play water balloon volleyball
63. Make lemonade and sell it
64. Birthday parties
65. Have a pet show
66. Go Christmas caroling
67. Go paint balling
68. Visit the pet store
69. cook a dutch oven dinner
70. have a pillow fight
71. make salt dough ornaments
72. have a date bake-off
73. tie-dye shirts
74. Go to local sporting events
75. Finger painting
76. Eat dinner without silverware
77. Go dancing
78. Have a water balloon fight
79. Go to musical concerts
80. Make ginger bread houses
81. Rake leaves and jump in them
82. Have a karioke night
83. Do a creative service project
84. Make homemade Easter baskets
85. Make popsicle stick crafts
86. Put on a dinner show
87. Photo scavenger hunt
88. Make house out of refrigerator boxes
89. Hold "Teacher Appreciation Dinners"
90. Make your own Halloween costumes
91. Put together a box of items for a family in need
92. Make dinner together
93. Make sidewalk art with chalk
94. Go to a play
95. Movie marathon, you pick the movies
96. Have a magic show
97. Make holiday treats
98. Build a snowman
99. Shovel the neighbor's snow
100. Go for a drive and play road games or sing songs
101. Have a watermelon eating contest

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